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Chronic Illness, Disability 
& NDIS Support

Living with a chronic illness or disability places additional complexities upon your emotional wellbeing and therefore requires specialist support to ensure your needs are met. 

Counselling Services for Chronic Illness & Disability

Navigating life with a chronic illness or disability can cause social and emotional problems for individuals. Changes in relationships and in the ability to continuing working, financial stress, the dreaded fear of potential medical outcomes, further physical decline, or worry about upcoming social events can cause stress, anxiety, and feelings of grief and loss. 


If you are experiencing any of the above issues related to your chronic illness or disability and would appreciate a safe space to talk where you feel supported please reach out to chat. 


disability counselling for disability & choronic illness
NDIS Support
disability counselling for disability & choronic illness NDIS

Counselling for
NDIS Clients

Counselling clients who receive support through the NDIS can help to improve well-being, learn new coping strategies, address social isolation, increase motivation and self-esteem, provide support in making decisions and fostering independence both personally and professionally. If you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, distressed, or lacking in direction counselling can support you to gain a new perspective and help get you back on track.

NDIS funding for counselling aims to support you in managing daily living confidently and independently and to achieve your personal goals. Sessions are based around your individual needs to address emotional and behavioural concerns.We work together to develop new strategies, build confidence and gain new perspectives to promote your mental health and wellbeing to achieve your NDIS goals

NDIS counsellor for disability & dementia

Counselling Services For Self and Plan Managed NDIS Clients.

Canberra or Online 

The 'How To' for
Self Managed Payments.

  If you self-manage your NDIS funding you either:

  • Make a payment request through the My Place portal or the NDIS app. The NDIS will pay the amount owing  from your NDIS funding into your bank account and payment for counselling can be made.

  • Pay for counselling services with your own money. The NDIS will reimburse you the amount into your bank account once you have completed the request on the My Place portal or the NDIS app. 

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